SUVA & Lautoka, fiji
UNFPA aims to end the unmet need for family planning globally, women can therefore choose when to have children and the time between births.
Through strengthening health systems, training health workers, educating midwives and improving access to the full range of reproductive health UNFPA helps equip governments, health systems and humanitarian partners to end preventable maternal deaths.
"This is what I share with midwives after delivery, when you receive that baby, you are the first hands to hold it, to impart that spirit by speaking to it, before anybody else and that is a gift."
- Unaisi Sikivou, retired Fijian midwife
"In the communities we come across so many problems with our children, the young mothers and the adults, and that's where that thinking came to that I need to know more. That's where I told myself I have to become a midwife in order to tackle these problems."
- Litea Domonakibau, retired Fijian midwife
"The nurses were very grateful to have us there and likewise the people of Samoa too, when they see us they are really happy and when we are coming off duty they still want us to stay back."
- Urmila Devi Kumar, retired Fijian midwife
"I see myself strongly as an advocate in many ways. Midwifery is to promote safe motherhood, it's not just labour ward practice it starts from prenatal, antenatal, labour, birth and postnatal."
- Tamari Duri Lalabalavu, retired Fijian midwife
“Midwife is always a passion, you should give your heart to continue to do it, the leadership is also very important you must share knowledge and skills with your counterparts"
- Meresimani Kauata, retired Fijian midwife
"I want to thank UNFPA for the support, to allow us to use our knowledge and skills again, even though we have retired, I know with this great skillset we have we can still go along way to make use of it, and we are always looking forward to it."
- Sovaia Gasau Uluimalolo, retired Fijian midwife
“The women have the right over her health and say no, I will have my child after 3 years so I can recuperate and I can have the time for the family, for myself for him, and bringing up that child holistically."
- Lavinia Cuva, retired Fijian midwife
"Having a baby is an emergency situation, that is why it is important and safer for mothers to be advised to deliver in the clinic or hospital in the presence of those who are trained."
- Kelera Rabuka, retired Fijian midwife
"As a whole you see a person as a whole. My role is very important to the whole of the family not just to the mother herself but to the babies, even extended families, you reassure them, council them on other skills like breastfeeding, family planning and how to use the clinic, for you to be safe, contact a midwife."
- Iowana Timaleti Lau Navuase, retired Fijian midwife
“I have tears in my eyes of gratitude to you. This is truly fantastic”
- Alexandra Robinson, Gender Technical Adviser Pacific Sub Regional Office Suva, Fiji